lace, and the swing of my skirts, reassured me and I soon relaxed. Also, the thought of the smartness of my attire and appearance be- gan to reassert themselves and soon I was bursting with pride.

We lunched at the smartest place in town, and as we were leav- ing I received the crowning touch when I heard one woman whisper to another, "My but that girl in the orange suit is pretty. I wonder who she is?"

Mother and Aunt also heard this and gave me quite a teasing when we were out of earshot. When the matinee was over we had a light supper, and then went on home. Before we got there my week as a woman was over; but with lots of time left that evening I felt not the slightest desire to change--my new clothes so delighted me that I felt I would never like to be without them.

As Aunt was leaving in the morning we stayed up quite late. Just before we went upstairs she said to me, "Well Davy has the past week been as bad as you thought it would be?"

Of course I couldn't admit the feelings that were growing with- in me, so I said, "Oh a person can get used to anything Aunt."

Both of them laughed at this, and Mother said, "Frances, I think he's beginning to like playing a woman's part, and wearing women's clothing."

"Oh no I don't!" I exclaimed, but gave the lie to myself by blushing at her penetrating remark.

Mother laughed again, saying, "He may fool you Frances, but I know him too well--he's delighted with the clothes you gave him, and I don't blame him a bit for they're lovely and so becoming. I'm very pleased to have such a pretty 'Daughter', for that's what he really is when he's dressed as a girl like now. No one would possibly say that Davy sitting over there in that lovely suit is in any way masculine--in fact I've become convinced the last few days that nature really made a mistake with Davy; but one that he can easily rectify by dressing for his proper role in life--that of a girl."

Aunt replied, in a serious tone, "I agree with you Agnes, Davy must really be a girl at heart, for otherwise he couldn't appear so completely like one. I've had so much fun the past week with him, and I so hope he won't get stubborn and refuse to wear his new things from time-to-time."
